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Tooth Extractions – La Plata, MD

Remove the Tooth, Restore Your Smile

Smiling man in dental chairAt La Plata Dental, we do our utmost to help patients keep their natural teeth whole and healthy throughout their lifetime. However, there are cases where even dental crowns, root canals, and other advanced restorations fall short. When this happens, we may have to remove one or more teeth to ensure overall oral health. To find out more about tooth extractions, contact our La Plata dentist and team to schedule an appointment today. You can also read on to learn more!

Why Choose La Plata Dental for Tooth Extractions?

  • Same-Day Appointments for Dental Emergencies
  • Trusted Dentists with Years of Experience
  • Appointments as Early as 7:30 AM

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Woman with toothache talking to dentist during exam

As we mentioned above, extracting your tooth is never our first suggestion. That said, there are some cases where it’s the only option we’re left with, like when:

  • Your tooth is severely infected, and the infection could spread to other teeth
  • Your tooth can’t support a dental restoration and, therefore, cannot be saved
  • Your tooth needs to be removed to create space in your mouth prior to getting braces
  • Your tooth is badly damaged, and the best thing for your oral health is to have it replaced

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Illustration of tooth being extracted

Depending on the location, size, and positioning of the tooth, our experienced dentists will recommend either a simple extraction or a surgical extraction. With a simple extraction, we will numb your mouth before gently rocking the tooth in question back and forth until it comes away. Surgical extractions also begin the same way: numbing your mouth. Then, we will cut away some soft tissue, and in some cases, we break the tooth into two or more sections for easy removal.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Man smiling while sitting in treatment chair

Whether you’re having one tooth extracted or several, there are a few things we recommend doing to prevent complications, like a dry socket, including:

  • Eat plain yogurt, applesauce, and other extremely soft foods
  • Drink water to stay hydrated (just don’t use a straw)
  • Take prescribed or OTC pain medication as directed
  • Change the gauze pads as needed
  • Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, or spit
  • Keep your head elevated while you sleep

If you have any remaining questions for us about tooth extractions – whether it’s about the procedure or the recovery period – don’t hesitate to reach out to our La Plata dental team. We’d be happy to answer any questions we can over the phone and schedule a consultation for you at our office so you can learn even more.

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