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Are Dental X-Rays Safe for Children?

September 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 12:22 am

Young boy smiling in dental chairRadiation is found everywhere, from space to the air you and your family breathe. Although it is natural, too much radiation can damage DNA cells. It’s normal to have concerns about adding to your child’s daily radiation exposure with dental X-rays, but there’s nothing to fear. Digital X-rays virtually eliminate radiation exposure to provide safer dental care for your little one. Here’s why you can relax the next time your child needs digital X-rays.


Are Bad Teeth a Genetic Problem?

September 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — laplatadental @ 12:45 am

Young family in dental officeWhen you look at your teeth in the mirror, what do you see? If your eyes focus on dental problems or aesthetic flaws, your oral hygiene habits may not be the cause. Instead, your parents might be to blame. Can bad teeth run in the family? Absolutely! Although you can’t change your DNA, here’s how you can decrease your risk of common genetic dental concerns. 


What Can I Expect After a Root Canal?

August 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 9:21 pm
root canal 3d illustration

Unlike mosquitos, root canals don’t deserve their bad reputation. After all, the amount of pain associated with this tooth-saving service is about the same as a normal filling – virtually nonexistent. This treatment is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, prevent reinfection, and save the natural tooth. When a person undergoes a root canal, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed. Keep reading to learn about recovery after a root canal in La Plata and how you can tell if something is wrong to necessitate calling your dentist.


What Can an Emergency Dentist Do for Facial Swelling?

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 8:37 pm
girl swollen face illustration

You’ve been out walking the dog on hiking trails in your neighborhood, but as you returned the lady next door sure was looking at you strangely. Come to think of it, your face is feeling weird and uncomfortable. When you get inside, a look in the mirror brings panic upon seeing that your face is really puffy! Do you need an emergency dentist for facial swelling in La Plata? Keep reading as your dentist discusses potential causes and how you should react.


Have a Small Bump on Your Gums? Here’s What That Could Mean

June 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 8:34 pm
young woman pointing to gum irritation

While looking in the bathroom mirror one morning, you realize you have a small bump on your gums. You may instantly begin to panic and wonder what your next steps should be. Although these bumps are usually harmless, there are some cases where they’re an indication of a serious oral health issue. With that in mind, read on to learn about some possible causes of a bump on your gums and which signs indicate you should visit your dentist in La Plata.

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