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Can Gum Disease Be Cured?

June 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 11:56 pm
Man hand on cheek visits La Plata dentist for periodontal therapy

Well over half of the American population has some form of gum disease. This common oral health issue is cited as the leading cause of tooth loss in the US and has been connected to increasing a person’s risk of respiratory infection, memory loss, and heart disease. Thankfully, gum disease can be treated and reversed if caught early enough. Read on as your La Plata dentist explains if and how this oral health concern can be “cured” in its various stages.


10 Myths About Saving Your Smile with a Root Canal

June 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 6:28 pm
Woman afraid of root canal in La Plata covers her mouth

Do your teeth begin to chatter with anxiety when you think about getting a root canal in La Plata? Many avoid this common dental procedure because of false rumors they’ve heard. Unfortunately, leaving a painful, damaged, or infected tooth untreated can lead to serious consequences, including tooth loss, jawbone weakening, and even widespread infection throughout the body. Thankfully, root canals are more modern, efficient, and comfortable than ever, so there’s no reason to put them off! Read on as your La Plata dentist dispels 10 common myths about this smile-saving treatment.


Always Clean: How Dental Instruments Are Sterilized

May 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 1:43 am
Dentist in La Plata using clean tools

Your dentist takes safety and sterilization very seriously. Even outside of the COVID-19 pandemic, dental practices are some of the safest places you can visit. They adhere to very strict standards set by the CDC and OSHA to maintain the cleanest offices possible. Due to the pandemic, many practices are taking their hygiene efforts even further. Learn how your dentist in La Plata sterilizes their tools and keeps patients healthy during the pandemic.


How Your Dentist Is Protecting Patients and Themselves During COVID-19

May 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 5:28 pm
dentist stepping into shoe covering

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed virtually everything about our lives, from how we go shopping for groceries to how we communicate with our friends and families. One aspect of society that has definitely changed is dentistry. Your dentist was only treating emergency patients for much of March and April, but they have recently made the decision to open and treat regular patients. However, they have to be extra careful to keep their office clean and germ-free. Here are some of the safety precautions that your dentist is taking to prevent infections.


Skip the ER and Visit a Dentist to Handle Your Dental Emergency

April 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 10:17 pm
A diagram of a damaged tooth.
decayed tooth, a dental mirror and a red suitcase with white cross

Is your tooth in serious pain? Did you suffer from a bad fall that left your tooth chipped, cracked or completely knocked out? When you have an emergency to manage, everything else gets dropped. However, do you know what to do first? If it involves going to the emergency room, you’re better off reconsidering. Not only are you more likely to get seen by an emergency dentist for care, but COVID-19 only puts you at risk of getting sick. These are just a few of the reasons why you’re better off, so keep reading to learn more.

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