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How a CBCT Be Used to Diagnose Dental Pain

August 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 7:08 pm

When it comes to issues like dental pain, the problem is not always so easy to confirm after a visual exam. In certain cases, digital X-rays are also needed, especially if an infection is present. However, X-rays can only go so far in diagnosing dental pain. This is where a CBCT (or cone beam computerized tomography) scanner can be incredibly useful for patients and dentists alike. Keeping reading to see how a CBCT scanner can help your dentist find the root cause of your dental pain.


Fortify Your Immune System with a Healthy Smile

July 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 12:36 am

Healthy smile for immune system protectionResearchers are continuously finding evidence that strengthens the connection between oral and general health. Many dental issues are proven to increase the risk of various medical conditions. Not only can certain dental issues compromise your body’s defense system, but lowered immunity can also negatively affect your smile. Gum disease can be particularly devastating to both your oral health and immune system. Here’s why it’s more important than ever to maintain a healthy smile for maximum immune system protection.


How Long Will a Dental Bridge Last?

July 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 7:14 pm

Model of a dental bridgeIf you’ve lost a tooth or two over the years, a dental bridge can treat consecutive missing teeth. It’s a tried-and-proven solution to recreate the portions of your lost teeth above the gum line. Thanks to advancements in dentistry, they look and feel more realistic than ever. Not to mention, they are made of durable material to last for many years with the right care. Here’s the average dental bridge lifespan and what you can do to ensure your new smile thrives for years.


4 Myths About Tooth Extractions – Debunked!

June 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 6:14 am
Extracted tooth

Are you in need of a tooth extraction in the near future? This is something that many patients are nervous about because they don’t know what to expect. All of the misinformation floating around on the internet doesn’t help either. It is difficult to know what information you can trust, and what you should disregard. Continue reading to learn about some common tooth extraction myths and why they aren’t correct.


3 Reasons Getting a Root Canal Is Good News!

June 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 3:21 pm
man with a thumbs up needing a root canal

You can’t take the pain any longer—you schedule an appointment with your dentist and anxiously await the diagnosis. When they say your tooth needs a root canal, you start to panic! Is it really that serious? How can your day get any worse? Why did you have to get such bad news?

But hold on! Although you may not jump for joy over needing dental work, getting root canal therapy is actually good news for your smile. Read on to learn about the silver lining or benefits of root canals and how you can keep a positive attitude about your situation.

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