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Don’t Let Dehydration Catch You Off Guard

August 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 4:58 pm
A woman drinking bottled water.

Though fall is almost here, and summer is drawing to a close, warmer temperatures are still possible for the next few months. Thus, it is important to be mindful about staying hydrated despite the season. Unfortunately, however, sometimes we can be dehydrated without even realizing it. Don’t let these sneaky symptoms catch you off guard in this record heat!


Researchers believe that you get headaches when you’re dehydrated because when your body needs water your brain tissue can temporarily shrink. This could cause the pain you’re feeling and give you anything from a minor ache to a full-blown migraine!

Dry Mouth / Bad Breath

When your mouth is dry, your saliva levels can run low, causing dry mouth and even bad breath. This particular type of dehydration is tricky, because it can be caused both by heat and by certain medications. If you notice any oral health symptoms of dehydration, speak to your dentist, as dry mouth can be especially dangerous to your teeth and gums.

Muscle Cramps or Spasms

Your body gets electrolytes from water. However, when it’s dehydrated, that lack of electrolytes can cause your muscles to cramp or spasm. This sometimes occurs with athletes, but it can happen to anyone who is simply moving about during their daily routine.


Sometimes you feel hungry even after a meal because you’re dehydrated, not because you’re actually hungry. This happens because hunger and thirst signals originate in the same part of your brain and can easily trick your body into thinking you didn’t eat enough.

Remember, it isn’t always easy to decipher your body’s codes for when it needs water. In fact, just because you’re not thirsty doesn’t mean you’re not dehydrated. To prevent this condition, be sure to get your recommended intake of 15.5 cups per day for men, or 11.5 cups per day for women, and you’ll reduce your risk of dehydration year-round!

About Our Practice

The team at La Plata Dental prides itself on providing comfortable care for patients of all ages. We offer flexible, personalized treatment options, because we know that your time is valuable, too. To schedule an appointment for an exam and cleaning or any other procedure, please visit our website or call us today at 240-349-2439.

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