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Don’t Let Dehydration Catch You Off Guard

August 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 4:58 pm
A woman drinking bottled water.

Though fall is almost here, and summer is drawing to a close, warmer temperatures are still possible for the next few months. Thus, it is important to be mindful about staying hydrated despite the season. Unfortunately, however, sometimes we can be dehydrated without even realizing it. Don’t let these sneaky symptoms catch you off guard in this record heat!


Dental Emergencies That Cause Facial Pain

August 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — laplatadental @ 10:33 pm
patient suffering from facial pain holding cheek

A toothache can throw off your entire day and even keep you up at night. The severe pain can make it difficult to concentrate, enjoy meals, or spend time with friends. Although not every dental issue leads to facial pain, it’s important to identify the source of any discomfort and seek help right away. Continue reading to learn about the causes of facial pain and how an emergency dentist can offer relief.

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